

Welcome to my blog! I document my adventures in life and share mindset & productivity tips to help you take your goals from stuck to success.

Hi! It’s nice to see you again :)

Hi! It’s nice to see you again :)

Fall hike at Wompatuck State Park in Massachusetts

Fall hike at Wompatuck State Park in Massachusetts

It’s been a minute since we last talked, and boy I have so much to tell you. As I’m sure you can attest, life often gets in the way of your passions and you may unintentionally hit the pause button. That’s OK, as long as you’re able to recognize it and then take the action needed to re-ignite. We’re still getting acquainted around here, but I always aspire to have the kind of friendship where even after a period of distance we pick up, right where we left off...

It’s the end of December following the 2020 US election while President Trump’s re-election efforts continue to play out in the eyes of the nation and the world. Leading up to the election, I found myself disheartened watching a whirling vortex of divisiveness around the escalating pandemic, racial injustice vs law & order, the Presidential race, etc. Since early Sept, it’s felt like I’m walking around landmines trying to navigate these times with my sanity, values, and friendships intact. If you’re a compassionate and caring person in America today, I imagine you’ve had similar challenges these past few months as well.

The cherry on top of this 2020 dumpster fire, has been some tough times with a few close friends and family and an increased workload over the past few months has used up what’s left of my mental energy. It’s been a busy few months with more twists and turns than Space Mountain! Rather than running on fumes and trying to pour from an empty cup, I made a conscious effort to protect my mental and physical health by leaning into the habits and behaviors that help me feel my best. 

I purposely took a step back from social media, doom scrolling, and related anxiety-producing activities that weren’t helping me live purposefully in the present for myself and my loved ones. Doing this had an immediate positive impact on my mindset. During this time, I buckled down to focus on what’s in my control and not what I can’t control - I’ve worked to prioritize how I nourish and move my body, my mindset, finding reasons for joy and laughter with Matt and Mason, and getting out in nature to renew my spirit. And I really tried to accept what I can’t control - boy this one’s hard for me. I have much more work to do in order to become better at accepting what’s outside of my control or influence. All in all, the fall and beginning of winter have been a good test of my resilience, discipline, and empathy and I think I’ve come out of this more determined to be part of the solution and a positive force in the world. 

If there’s one thing you take away from this, it’s a reminder that self-care is not selfish!!! It’s required for you to be the best person you can, not only for yourself but for others. I want to hear from you, what are you doing to look out for yourself?

Where do we go now?

From hurt to healing

From hurt to healing